Friday, September 7, 2007

The Ballad of Carl Drega

The Ballad of Carl Drega by Vin Suprynowicz - The first reviewer on™ hit the nail on the head when he wrote "It would be very fair to say that "The Ballard of Carl Drega" is one of the most revealing and insightful books to be published in years. Authored by Vin Suprynowicz, one of the world's most celebrated and syndicated libertarian writers of the century, this title leaves no stone unturned." This book is easily the greatest collection of abuses and outright thievery by the current American government. It is not half-truths and heresay, but verifiable, documented fact. I would also recommend Vin's book, Send In The Waco Killers. If you can, read his weekly columns in newsprint around the country and the Internet. He is easily the best libertarian writer living today.


togo said...

The lowest price i can find for this book is $82.00! Is there a government mandate preventing this book from being put back in print?

Aaron Turpen said...

I doubt it. Vin is alive and well and writing regularly in Vegas for the Review Journal.

I suspect it hasn't gone into another printing for $ reasons. Although it's a great book, I don't think it was the high seller some of his others have been.

Even his website has a dead link to the book for purchase, though.