Saturday, August 1, 2009


Defiance starring Daniel Craig (aka James Bond) and the guy who was the Manchurian Candidate in the latest version of that film. Liev something. I think he was Wolverine too.

Anyway, I wasn't sure what to expect from this one. I knew that having Craig in it would mean stuff would probably blow up and he'd probably spend some time looking like he wanted to kill people. What I didn't expect was for him to (sort of) be the pacifist in this movie.

The movie tells the story of the Jews of southern Russia and their flight into the forest. Some of them have a thirst for revenge against the Nazis and join with the local partisans. Others, like Craig, look for survival and work to support the partisans in supply and repair and so forth, but do not participate in bloodshed except in self-defense.

The movie is based on true events and some of those depicted in the movie are still alive today.

The conditions were horrible, the times were brutal, and the chances of survival were not very good. But they got through all of it. That's kind of the gist of this movie.

The back story is one of brotherhood, love, deep friendship, and the coming together of ideals after long separation.

It's a great movie, but definitely not one for the kiddies. Lots of violence and warfare scenes, for sure. Definitely worth seeing, though. Highly recommended.

1 comment:

wesley miller said...

Yupp this was a kind of sleeper movie that turned out to be fairly decent, would recommend as maybe 3.5 stars LOL